Storytime in Brandon Library

Storytime in Brandon Library

  Wednesday May 27, 2020

Although we can’t come together for library programs in person quite yet, Storytimes continue in a virtual form on Instagram Live! Follow @WMRLibrary on Instagram and tune in to our LIVE videos on Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m. to enjoy some of our favourite picture books. The videos will remain up for viewing for 24 hours after their initial recording, so if you can’t make it in the mornings you’re still welcome to watch and read along with us at any point throughout the day. 
Have a favourite story that you think we need to read? We welcome your recommendations! You can get in touch with us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter (@WMRLibrary on all three) and suggest our next read aloud. If we read your recommendation, you will receive a shoutout during our LIVE video! We look forward to a time when we can share stories in person again, but until then we invite you to tune in!