iPad Loan Program

iPad Loan Program

  Wednesday November 25, 2020

Do you miss browsing through books? Are you wishing you had a way to connect with friends and family online?

We hope that our iPad Loan program can help solve some of those problems for you! The Carberry North Cypress Library has a number of iPads available for loan to our members. They come pre-loaded with all of our library apps that provide access to a wealth of online library material. If you are looking to connect to someone you can use our iPads to FaceTime, or join Zoom meetings. It can be a great addition to a work from home set up, or be used to access remote learning. For those who may not be so technologically literate, we can offer over the phone walkthroughs of how to use certain applications. For those without wi-fi in their homes, we can download books onto the iPad before they are loaned out, which can then be read without the need for an internet connection.

If you are interested in borrowing an iPad from the Carberry North Cypress Library, please contact us at 204-834-3043 or send an email to carson@nullwmrl.ca for more information.