Changes for Overdrive Users

Changes for Overdrive Users

  Tuesday February 15, 2022

On February 23, 2022, Libby will be the only app available for new downloads to devices, replacing the OverDrive app which will be discontinued later this year. If you already have the OverDrive app it will continue to work for now, but soon there will be prompts for users to make the switch to Libby.

OverDrive offers the following information:

Starting February 23, 2022:

  • The OverDrive app will be removed from the Apple App Store, Google Play, and the Microsoft store. Download links for the legacy OverDrive desktop app for Windows and Mac will be removed from
  • New users looking for the OverDrive app will be directed to Libby.
  • Users who previously installed the OverDrive app (mobile or desktop) will still be able to use it without disruption.
  • All users can continue to access your library’s OverDrive website.
  • Later this year, OverDrive app users will be prompted to switch to Libby in preparation for for eventual retirement of the OverDrive app.
  • Please call your local branch of the WMRL, or send an email to if you experience difficulty downloading the Libby app on any of your devices, and we’ll do our best to assist you.
