Donating Books to the WMRL

Donating Books to the WMRL

  Friday November 26, 2021

The Western Manitoba Regional Library welcomes and appreciates all book donations that we receive. Donated books are added to our collection if it fits our collection needs. Material that is not added to our collection is used in our book sale, which in turn helps support the library. We do ask that when making a donation of books to the library, you follow a few of our guidelines to help us make better use of donated material.

  • We do not accept donations of textbooks, encyclopedias, or magazines in any condition
  • We only accept material that is in good, readable condition. We will not accept any items with water damage, ripped pages, or yellowed pages.
  • When donating books to the library, please do so during our operating hours so that staff are able to sort through the material, and only accept items that fit our criteria.

We appreciate your help in following these guidelines. If you have further questions about donating material to the library, please contact your local WMRL branch for further information on their book donation criteria and needs.